Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Sisters Immospam V2 (No Guard) - 1500pts

Stelek's WH-only Immo Spam list at 1500pts.

Same basic idea, lots of hulls and lots of flaming death; 6 dual-Melta squads, only 3 dual-Plasma squads but plenty of twin-linked Templates should see you alright, 4 scoring units, all of them in vehicles.  Of which there are 11.

Zero CC.  You don't need it because anything coming within 12-18" of the army will get fried.

Nekkid IST squad goes in one of the HS Immos - they don't need a fire point, y'see.

HQ - 185
1 Palatine, 185 pts
4 Celestian Retinue (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)

Elites - 450
4 Celestian Squad, 150 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)
4 Celestian Squad, 150 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)
4 Celestian Squad, 150 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)

Troops - 410
5 Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, 120 pts (Plasmagun x2)
1 Rhino
5 Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, 120 pts (Plasmagun x2)
1 Rhino
5 Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, 120 pts (Plasmagun x2)
1 Rhino
5 Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, 50pts (No wargear)

Fast Attack - 300
4 Dominion Squad, 150 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)
4 Dominion Squad, 150 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior
1 Immolator (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)

Heavy Support - 130
1 Immolator, 65 pts (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)
1 Immolator, 65 pts (Twin Linked Heavy Flamer)

Yes, I copy-paste-cropped it.

Shut up.

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