Monday 7 February 2011

Space Wolves - The DogStar 1500pts

Just some stupid rubbish.  It is very bad, but if you're one of those goons who insists that TWC can only work with Storm Shields you might get a kick out of it:

HQ - 335
Wolf Lord - 235
- TW Mount, Storm Shield, Frost Blade, SotWarrior Born
Rune Priest w/ powers or whatever - 100

Troops - 450
Grey Hunters - 150
- 5 bods, Flamer, Las/ Plas RB
Grey Hunters - 150
- 5 bods, Flamer, Las/ Plas RB
Grey Hunters - 150
- 5 bods, Flamer, Las/ Plas RB
Grey Hunters - 150
- 5 bods, Flamer, Las/ Plas RB

Fast Attack - 360
TWC - 360
- 4 bods, 4 Storm shields, 1x Thunder Hammer, 1x Meltabombs, 1x Mark

Heavy Support - 195
Long Fangs - 65
- 2x ML
Long Fangs - 65
- 2x ML
Long Fangs - 65
- 2x ML

Alternatively drop a TWC model and plough more points into the Lord.  Or drop two and bring a WGBL.

Any way you slice it it's a fail list, but it has a big Cavalry Deathstar.  So... y'know.  Lol.

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